Opportunity Management CRM

Maximize on opportunities, close more deals

Capture, track & close all opportunities from every single contact. Manage multiple products and spot upsell/cross-sell opportunities to increase your CLV.

One single platform to manage multiple products, processes, sales workflows, and teams

Capture multiple opportunities from one contact without creating duplicates

Sometimes, a single prospect needs multiple products, for example, a life insurance customer may need insurance for a car, term, or health insurance. Similarly, a student may need to opt for 3 different courses across 2 different campuses. Our sales opportunity management module allows your team to handle these complex and unique sales processes, easily, efficiently, and systematically within a single contact.

Distribute opportunities to agents based on one or a combination of criterias

Easily assign opportunities to the right sales rep or team in a round-robin manner, combined with different prospect, opportunity, or agent attributes important to you. Consider everything – location of the prospect, products they are interested in, agent specialty, agent availability, potential deal size, and much more.

One solution for many problems - Opportunity Management

 Zero contact duplication

You can set-up multiple contact de-duplication rules for each of your different products, ensuring zero contact duplication.

 Easy contact sharing

Multiple reps can work on one contact to handle different opportunities, ensuring zero conflicts, and specialized selling.

 Multiple process mapping

Customize application forms, fields, sales processes, teams, and sales workflows for different product types in a single system.

 A single place of reference

For all the activities, tasks, and opportunities (both closed and on-going), along with the assigned salespeople for a single contact.

Augment team productivity through opportunity smart views

Smart views allow agents to prioritize their opportunities and concentrate on the most important tasks first. They would know exactly which opportunities to handle next, view all their tasks and follow-ups in a clean view, and make prospect interactions fast and relevant.

Restrict agent access to different opportunities through role-based access control

Your agents will be able to view different opportunities, their status, and deal progress when they view one contact. You can choose to restrict one agent to view only the opportunities in their name, or you can allow them to view all the opportunities associated with a single contact. Allow them to take action on their opportunity with a single click.